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Programs & Courses

Theologycal & Ministry


Discuss the nature of the bible and Present-day Christian Life and Practice

Interpret theological data

Investigate information within a theological theme or issue

Gain new personal revelation

Explore ideas about God in relation to the way we live as Christians

Communicates theological information

Develop and implement community programs

Support community leadership

Use Communication to build relationships




Analyse and interpret theological beliefs in the light of current thinking

Analyse and interpret theological data

Research and analyse information within a theological theme or issue

Identify new theological information

Relate theological ideas to the Christian way of life

Communicate theology in a clear form

Respond to client needs

Develop, implement and promote effective workplace communication

Provide leadership in community across the organisation

Plan and conduct group activities


   Kings College’s topic in Brackets is implemented through the use of training packages.

   As the practical topic is applied through national unit of competency package you will reach to

   a system of national standardization of training for many industry areas.

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