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Application Procedures 


Anyone at the age of 18 or over and who graduated from High School or with the equivalent qualifications can enroll at Kings College with the purpose of lifelong education. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

An IELTS score is not required as these courses are delivered in Korean.

Koreans on working holiday visas or tourist visas can study at Columba College, but should check the Australian government regulations before applying.

Documents to prepare

  1. Application Form

  2. Application Fee - $250

  3. Tuition Fee first installment

  4. A copy of your passport or other proof of identification

  5. Family Relation Certificate or Resident Registration Certificate (English Version) (Korean citizens only)

  6. Highest level of schooling Certificate and academic Transcript (English Version, if in Korean, a translation fee is applicable)

  7. Four (4) passport photos

  8. One reference letter from applicant's church 


Send all of the above documents by e-mail or post and then deposit enrolment fee, resource fee and the tuition feer. After the transaction is confirmed, letter confirming your enrollment will be sent to your email.

Deposit Infomation

Please inform the school after deposit and check the deposit again. You have to deposit the deposit using the name of the student who supports it.

Deposit in Australia

Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank

Account Name: KIngs College

BSB: 066 – 160

Account Number: 1092 5432

If you make a deposit in Korean, bank surcharge of $20 is applied.

Deposit to Korean Bank Account in Korea

  1. Bank Name: Woori Bank

  2. Account Name: Kings College

  3. Account Number: 104281 02 147408

  4. You have to contact the school before making a transaction and we should follow the exchange rate on that day.

Pay by Credit Card

Submit the card-authorization form or come to school to pay by credit card. 2% of Surcharge applies

Fill out the application form attached and email it back to  Enrolment will then be processed.

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